You snooze…you….well, you know.

28 12 2010

About two weeks ago I posted a link on my old blogger blog page about Cabela’s having a great deal on some pretty decent fly rods. I think I read about one fellow blogger taking advantage of the sale, but there really wasn’t too much buzz about it. A shame, if you ask me – because it was a “Buy FOUR for the price of ONE” kinda deal. Well, unfortunately if you snooze ya lose because as of Sunday someone at Cabela’s finally came to their senses ( Holy Smokes! We’re selling those for how much?) and they bumped the price up to $50 for the $100 rods. Now, sure – $50 is a good deal still on a pretty nice Cabela’s “house brand” rod – but it’s not 4 for 1.

These $100 rods were, for a short time...$24.50. Oh yes. Really.

I’m not really very good with math, but I can tell you for sure it was four for one because after much anxiety over buying rods that I don’t need, I plopped four of them into my cart and hit the Check Out button. One’s going to a friend who never fishes, one will become a second “back-up” rod, another will go as a prize in a contest either for this blog or and the last one…(that is four, right? Told you I stink at math)….I don’t know what we’ll do with that last one. Maybe just keep it until I break enough rods that I’m out of back-ups and really need it.

So, just so you know – I’m never in the mood to “window shop” (unlike my wife who is always in the mood to window shop) but I do keep up with Cabela’s bargain cave deals and other fly fishing sales. So when I see something that’s too good to pass up, I’ll let you know. Just don’t dilly-dally around or whoever has that thingamajig on sale that we all can’t live without just might come to their senses before  you get around to making the commitment to buy one. Or two…….or four.

PS, dear reader: Right now, the best deal they have going might just be this:

Cabela’s Three Forks Rod – $29.99

I have a good friend who has been using a Three Forks rod for almost a decade now. Not the finest finish and hardware – and a fairly plain brown color…..these rods are pretty well built – and for this price, a steal for small stream angling. So take some of that Christmas money and put it to good use!

* I have no affiliation with Cabela’s beyond being a satisfied customer.



One response

28 12 2010
The River Damsel

Yay for me!!! My $99. for $26. w/tax 4 wt rod should be on my doorstep in a few days!!! Thanks Owl! (And good to have you up and running again) I thought you were on an extended vacation to the North Pole!

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